Page 21 - fish_farms_curriculum
P. 21

energy source that can be used especially for sectional heating. The economic conditions in

               Turkey increase the significance of the studies that have been made and will be done in order
               to benefit from geothermal resources in the most economical way and to make their use more

               widespread in the regional sense. Today, energy consumption is accepted as one of the criteria

               of  sophistication.  The  life  style  in  our  country,  which  is  in  the  category  of  developing
               countries, is progressing in the direction of increasing energy consumption day by day.

                                              Picture 2. Geothermal facility

               A large part of the rapidly increasing energy demand all over the world will be able to be met
               with  fossil  fuels  and  hydraulic  energy  for  a  while.  Besides  the  increase  in  energy  costs,

               scientists predict that world oil reserves will be depleted in 2050, natural gas reserves in 2070
               and coal reserves in 2150. Through these predictions of scientists, it is considered necessary

               to make short, medium and long-term plans for energy supply and consumption both in the

               industry, which is a heavy consumer of energy, and in other service areas.

               Our  country  provides  most  of  its  energy  needs  from  oil  and  natural  gas  import,  and  this

               situation  leads  to  foreign  dependency.  The  constant  increase  in  energy  prices  due  to  the

               political developments in the world, the fact that fossil fuels will run out after a certain period
               of time and their production is quite expensive, necessitate the identification of alternative

               energy sources and the use of these sources with high efficiency.

               Among  the  world's  leading  countries  in  the  use  of  geothermal  energy  are  Iceland,  China,
               USA,  Italy,  Israel,  Indonesia,  Philippines,  Japan,  Central  America,  Mexico,  but  the  use  of

               geothermal energy in fish farming is also spreading rapidly in other countries, such as France,
               Greece,  Hungary  and  New  Zealand.  In  Iceland,  where  there  are  approximately  70  farms,

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