Page 23 - fish_farms_curriculum
P. 23

Picture 4. Sea fishing

               610,000  salmon  and  trout  fry  are  produced  annually  by  using  geothermal  water  in  fish
               production facilities in Iceland.

                                                      Picture 5. Eel

               Such fish farms are also operating in Romania. There are also some farms in Greece where

               geothermal water is used at a temperature of 51 °C and a flow of 10 kg/sec to heat the water
               to 33-36 ˚C for spirulina algae cultivation. Other species raised on geothermal water-heated

               farms include carp, catfish, frogs, mullet, eel, salmon, sturgeon, shrimp, lobster, crayfish, crab

               oysters, scallops, crocodiles, mussels and abalones.

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