Page 11 - fish_farms_curriculum
P. 11 Thermal Comfort
               For the working environment that will ensure the comfort of the employees, all thermal

               comfort  conditions  created  by  environmental  (such  as  humidity  and  heat  sources  in  the

               workplace), work-related and personal factors (such as clothing, weight, age, metabolism)
               must be met. The high temperature of the environment may have negative effects on the

               employee such as excessive sleepiness, fatigue, low blood pressure, dizziness, decreased
               body  resistance,  excessive  sweating,  decreased  work  efficiency,  red  spots  that  cause

               itching, hypersensitivity, anxiety and concentration disorders.

               The  cold  environment  may  have  negative  effects  on  the  employee  such  as  distraction,
               decrease  in  physical  and  mental  efficiency,  increase  in  body  internal  temperature,

               shivering, shaking, nutrition and energy requirement.
               There are many ways to control thermal comfort in the workplace.  Some of these are very

               easy to implement.

               Some of the control measures can be listed as;

                     Environmental control; checks of ventilation and air conditioning systems,
                     Control  of  the  task;  control  of  the  amount  of  work  done  by  the  employee,  the

                      clothes with the equipment used and the working time

                     Administrative  controls;  work  scheduling,  planning,  scheduling  and  control  of
                      rest times,

                     Engineering  controls;  control  of  the  measures  taken  as  a  result  of  engineering


               1.1.2.  Biological Risks
               Biological risk factors are organisms that are the products of living things or living things,

               including bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites and their related toxins. Biological risk factors
               to  the  human  body;  It  can  enter  through  respiration,  digestion,  skin  absorption,  eyes,

               wounds,  mucous  membranes  and  eardrums.  As  a  result,  it  can  adversely  affect  human

               health by causing mild or fatal allergic reactions and diseases.

               In order to protect against biological risk factors, it should be ensured to:

                     Ventilate the environment,
                     Inform employees against biologic risk factors,

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