Page 15 - fish_farms_curriculum
P. 15

lifestyle.  Programs  that  support  personal  protection  are  health  monitoring  and

                      health  value  enhancement  programs  and  the  development  and  dissemination  of
                      healthy attitudes and behaviors in the workplace.

               1.2. Risk Assessment and Risk Management for Occupational Safety
               Risks  in  occupational  health  and  safety  can  never  be  eliminated  or  reduced.  Taking  all

               precautions  is  not  to  eliminate  or  reduce  the  risk,  but  to  prevent  danger  or  dangerous
               situation. Any compromise made from the measures will return as either a work accident

               or an occupational disease.

               Risk; in case of danger, is the realization of the danger, it is a possible outcome. It is not
               revealed until the conditions are mature, if it does, it means that the damage has been done.

               Risk is always an element of danger.

               1.2.1. Forming Risk Assessment Teams and Instructing the Team
               A separate team should be established for each part of the workplace. The team structure

               should be as follows.

                     A Manager (team leader)
                     Sufficient number of employees

                     Occupational Safety Specialist

                     Workplace Physician
               The  team  members  should  be  informed  about  the  benefits  of  this  work,  how  to  do  the

               work, etc.

               Note: The team leader will act as a bridge that provides communication between technical
               support members and team members.

               1.2.2. Specifying Labor

               Team members make a list of the work they did during a shift, in other words, the jobs on
               this step. According to legislation, occupational accidents happen when doing a job. In this

               regard, it is important to list the works done. Each work done means a danger or dangerous


               1.2.3. Determination of Labor Risks

               We have defined all the work done up to this stage, in other words, the dangers / dangerous
               situations. Now it is necessary to identify the risks within these hazards.  Add a potential

               risk column to the list of final works done. Print it out and distribute it to team members.

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