Page 14 - fish_farms_curriculum
P. 14

  Working with heavy tools, repetitive and uninterrupted use and improper working

                      postures may cause musculoskeletal system disorders.

               Machine and bench use:

                     The working area of the machines and benches is not designed in accordance with
                      the  body  size  of  the  employee,  incorrect  positioning  or  misuse  of  buttons  and

                      pedals may cause musculoskeletal disorders.

                     The use of machine pedals requires a special posture, which restricts the movement
                      of the operator, especially when standing. Continuous pedal use with single foot

                      can lead to unilateral strain and stress and back pain.

               1.1.5. Psychosocial Risks

               The likelihood of work design, work organization and social and environmental conditions
               in which work is carried out causing psychological, social or physical damage is called

               psychosocial risk.
               Psychosocial risks can cause the following negative situations on employees:

                     Stress,

                     Psychological disorders such as work-related depression and burnout syndrome,

                     Behavioral  disorders  such  as  increased  smoking,  consumption  of  tea  and  coffee,
                      substance abuse, sleep disorders,

                     Diseases  that  disrupt  the  working  rhythm  of  internal  organs  and  resulting
                      physiological disorders.

               Work  environments  are  especially  susceptible  to  stress  factors.  Work  stress  is  a  mood
               disorder that is a mixture of feelings such as guilt, anger and fear that significantly affects

               the well-being and production capacity of the employee.

               The employee can be protected from psychosocial risks with the following measures:

                     Collective protection; In order to protect the body, mind and social well-being of

                      employees, it aims to identify and eliminate psychosocial risk sources, as well as
                      establishing  collective  protection  methods  such  as  the  establishment  of  social

                      support units and counseling services.
                     Personal protection; It includes increasing the awareness of employees through

                      training and improving their ability to cope with stress. It may include relaxation

                      techniques,  time  and  problem-solving  methods,  counseling  and  planning  on

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