Page 48 - fish_farms_curriculum
P. 48

give this amount of feed, the fish may be unappetizing on some days/meals. If the fish are not

               getting the feed, feeding should be stopped and this should be noted.

               The  average  weight  of  the  fish  should  be  noted  monthly.  For  this  process,  20-30  fish  are
               caught randomly from the fish tank according to the stock density, and the fish are transferred

               into  a  container  filled  with  tared  water,  after  the  water  is  filtered,  and  the  total  weight  is
               measured and recorded with a scale. By dividing the total amount of weight recorded by the

               number of fish sampled, the average weight of one fish in tanks is determined. In tanks with

               high  stock  density,  this  process  can  be  repeated  2-3  times.  The  important  point  to  be
               considered  while  doing  this  process  is  to  choose  the  fish  randomly  and  to  avoid  taking

               especially  large  or  small  fish  while  sampling.  If  necessary,  the  tank  water  level  can  be
               lowered and sampling can be performed more easily.

               Fish will grow after a certain period of time and will reach a greater weight than the weight in

               the first place. However, not all fish will grow equally, some fish will grow faster, some will
               remain  smaller.  This  may  happen  due  to  the  genetic  origin  of  the  fish,  the  pre-grading

               processes  carried  out  in  the  hatchery  produced,  or  the  success  or  failure  of  the  fish  in

               accessing  the  feed.  A  large  size  difference  in  the  same  tank  will  affect  the  growth
               performance of the fish in the tank, causing large and small fish to be harvested during the

               harvesting  of  the  fish.  In  order  to  prevent  this,  the  fish  should  be  sorted  at  certain  time
               intervals and the large and small fish in the same tank should be separated from each other.

               This  process  is  called  fish  grading.  Mechanical  grading  devices  or  grading  machines  are
               available for the fish grading process, but in low-tonnage enterprises, manual grading can be

               done with two workers.

               For this process, all the fish in the tank will be gathered aside with a long net with a lead rope

               knitted bottom and a float on the top, through the appropriate mesh opening, and the other
               part of the tank will be full of water but without fish. With the help of a small scoop, the fish

               caught in a part of the tank are selected by hand and started to be separated according to their
               size  by  eye.  The  excess  group  is  left  in  the  same  tank,  and  the  lesser  group  is  moved  to

               another tank or a container filled with water. After this process is applied to all tanks, big fish
               and small fish will have been separated from each other. The feed needed by both groups

               should  be  calculated  by  taking  the  average  weight  as  described  before.  Again,  the  feed

               particle size should be determined according to the size of the fish.

               During these processes, the fish collected at the edge of the tank should not be compressed too
               much, they should be kept in such a way that they can swim freely but also be caught easily,

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