Page 50 - fish_farms_curriculum
P. 50

5.6. Water Temperature

               Temperature has a key influence on the physiological processes of fish. Each fish species is

               known  to  have  a  species-specific  temperature  index  for  survival  and  growth.  Maximum
               growth  is  achieved  at  optimal  temperatures  within  this  thermal  tolerance  range.  With  the

               increase  in  temperature,  the  food  intake  also  increases  towards  the  maximum,  and  then  a
               decrease is seen in this increase as the thermal upper limit is reached. Usually, maximum feed

               intake occurs a few degrees above the specified optimal water temperature for growth.  The

               metabolic  rate  increases  exponentially  with  increasing  temperature,  and  the  difference
               between  feed  intake  and  metabolic  rate  at  any  given  temperature  determines  the  energy

               available for growth. These parameters are indeed very important for cultivated species.  In
               other  words,  temperature  is  very  important  in  maximizing  the  efficiency  in  converting  the

               received nutrients into growth.

               Temperature affects all vital activities of fish as well as all living organisms. Many important
               activities,  from  ovarian  development  to  egg  development,  from  immune  system  to  body

               weight  gain,  take  place  under  the  influence  of  water  temperature.  The  importance  of

               temperature  in  terms  of  aquaculture  can  only  be  better  understood  after  understanding  its
               biological importance. The optimum temperature range determined for egg development is

               almost the first steps to success in fry rearing. Determining the optimal water temperature and
               monitoring the live weight gain of the fish are among the most important concepts considered

               in  the  preparation  of  feeding  protocols.  Food  intake  and  digestive  physiology  under  the
               thermal effect are the most interesting subjects in the field of cultivation. The most important

               arguments in the breeding race are the conditions and protocols under which conditions and

               protocols can be forced to achieve the highest level of performance, as well as the species
               characteristics of the grown species.

               Fish and crustaceans are “poikilothermic” or cold-blooded creatures. This means: the body

               temperature of such creatures is roughly the same as the temperature of the water they are in.
               For  this  reason,  when  the  water  temperature  of  fish  or  crustaceans  changes,  their  body

               temperature also changes frequently. All biochemical processes are temperature dependent. It
               is  so  dependent  that  every  10ºC  increase  in  temperature  roughly  doubles  the  rate  of

               biochemical processing, depending on the species and its habitat.

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