Page 54 - fish_farms_curriculum
P. 54


               ASSESMENT – 4

               1.  Which  of  the  following  is  the  correct  way  to  give  the  stages  of  fish  as  carnivorous-
               herbivorous-both carnivorous and herbivorous, respectively?

               A.     Carnivores - Herbivores - Omnivores
               B.     Herbivores - Omnivores - Carnivores
               C.     Omnivores - Carnivores - Herbivores
               D.     Omnivores- Herbivores - Carnivores
               E.     Herbivores  - Carnivores - Omnivores

               2. Which of the following is a trout diet?
               A.     Carnivorous
               B.     Herbivorous
               C.     Both carnivorous and herbivorous
               D.     Herbivores
               E.     Carnivores

               3. Which of the following is not a sign of fish getting sick?

               A.     Bleeding in the body in morphological examination
               B.     Bleeding in the mouth area
               C.     Bleeding in the head area
               D.     Abnormalities in the fins
               E.     Shine in the eyes

               4. Which of the following is not a cause of differences in growth rates in fish?

               A.     Genetic origin of fish
               B.     Pre-sorting processes in the hatchery
               C.     Fish's success in access to food
               D.     No size-sorting
               E.     The quality of the feed used in the facility

               5. Which of the following is the name given to the process of separating large and small fish
               in the same tank at certain time intervals in fish farming?

               A.     Sizing
               B.     Incubation
               C.     Fertilization
               D.     Sequence
               E.     Separation

               6. Which of the following is not a factor that causes fish to get sick?

               A.     Non-meal feeding
               B.     Bad weather conditions
               C.     Water quality changes
               D.     Water quality out of optimum values
               E.     Not checking pool

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