Page 63 - fish_farms_curriculum
P. 63

Fig. 5. Sedimentation basin cross section and working principle

               6.3. Biological Filter

               The  most  important  element  of  the  biological  filter  is  the  biological  elements.  Biological

               elements  are  surface  enhancing  plastic  pieces  of  different  shapes  and  sizes  with  different
               materials.  These  are  important  biological  filter  elements  that  are  necessary  during  the

               nitrification process, in which ammonia in water is converted into nitrate, and that bacteria,

               which is an important creature of the geothermal system, adhere to these surfaces and that the
               nitrification process takes place with the oxygen provided by aeration. Biological elements are

               commercially sold under different names (bioball, bioelement, kaldnes). The most important
               feature  to  be  considered  while  supplying  biological  elements  is  that  they  must  not  be

               produced  from  recycled  plastics.  Since  the  plastics  used  in  recycling  are  produced  from
               materials that are with unknown origins and for what purpose they were used in the past, they

               have a high probability of deteriorating the water quality. In addition, recycling plastics have

               very low resistance to UV from sunlight. Biological elements made of plastic material with
               known  manufacturer  and  high  UV  resistance  will  be  both  safe  and  long-lasting.  Another

               important property of biological elements is the amount of surface area in m . Although there
               are biological elements with a surface area of 350-500 m²/m³ in the market, it is possible to

               find biological elements with a surface area of 750 m²/m².

               There  are  biological  elements  produced  in  different  densities  according  to  the  density  of
               water. Salt water and fresh water productions have different densities. Biological elements

               float in water (0.9-1.0 g/cm') when they are first released into the water, and their density

               increases with  the adhesion of bacteria  on them over time  and  sinks to the  bottom. In  the
               biological  filter  stage,  these  biological  elements  should  be  aerated  and  dispersed

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