Page 62 - fish_farms_curriculum
P. 62

6.2.3. Sand Filter

               It works by ensuring that the water collected from fish tanks is passed through layers which

               contains sand and gravel grains of different particle sizes in a pressurized system and solid
               waste remains in these layers. Depending on the size of the system, sand and gravel should be

               washed reversely several times a day with the water in the system, and the polluted sand and
               gravel should be rinsed out (with the help of the valves in front of the filter), and the solid

               wastes kept in the filter should be discharged from the filter. Otherwise, the pressure in the

               filter will increase and it may cause clogging of the system.

                                                  Picture 24. Sand Filter

               6.2.4. Sedimentation Pool

               It is mostly used in enterprises with large water mass and intensive fish production. The water
               from the fish tanks is collected in a relatively deep pool, and the water is re-collected from the

               surface  of  the  opposite  side  of  the  pool.  As  the  water  flows  from  one  side  to  the  other,

               unwanted  solids settle to  the  bottom of the  pool.  In this  pool  type materials such as  sand,
               gravel, etc. can be used for particle retention in terms of natural filtration. As seen in Figure

               8.8, placing barriers to allow water to move up and down after the water inlet will increase the
               amount of solid wastes to be retained. Since the solid wastes accumulating at the bottom of

               the pool will deteriorate the water quality over time and must be cleaned continuously, its use
               in geothermal systems is relatively low.

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