Page 37 - fish_farms_curriculum
P. 37

Cichlids are generally the easiest fish to breed and high yields can be achieved with a small

               investment.  Smaller  pools  than  the  values  given  above  can  be  used  for  these  fish.  Large
               freshwater  shrimps  have  a  high  market  value,  especially  as  fillets.  Production  rates  vary

               according to water quality and flow rate.

                                                 Picture 13. Cichlid Fish

               4.1. Tilapia

               Although the tilapia species is not among the natural species in our country, they have been
               transferred to some lakes and streams with human intervention. In the Mediterranean region,

               Israeli sea bream is known as bream. It is the most suitable fish species for geothermal fish

               farming.  Tilapia,  which  is  a  warm  water  fish,  is  a  species  with  high  tolerance  in
               environmental conditions.

               As warm water fish, tilapias are tolerant of a wide range of water quality. They can live in

               waters with a minimum temperature of 14°C and a maximum of 36°C, but they stop feeding
               below  17°C  and  may  die  below  12°C.  The  ideal  growth  and  reproduction  temperature  is

               between  27-30˚C.  When  the  temperature  of  the  tank  water  drops  in  winter,  it  may  be
               necessary to heat the water. Under ideal conditions, tiddlers with a size of 50 g reach 500

               grams in a period of 6 months.  Harvest weight can be around 300-400 g.

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