Page 38 - fish_farms_curriculum
P. 38

Picture 14 Tilapia (Oreochromis Niloticus)

               Tilapias are mouth-breeding fish, and their production is relatively easy. Reproductive activity

               begins when the male fish attracting the female fish to a safe area on the bottom of the tank
               (putting pieces of pot, water pipe, and pot in the appropriate size on the bottom of the tank

               will make it easier for the male). The female lays the egg at the bottom and the male fertilizes
               the egg, the female returns and takes the fertilized egg into her mouth, and the egg incubation

               is completed in the female's mouth. During this period, the female does not feed. An adult

               female can lay eggs 3 times a year and lays 200-500 eggs at once. The tiddlers stay in the
               female's mouth for a while and then start free swimming around the female.

               Tiddler should be collected during this period. Other fish and males in the tank may eat the

               defenseless tiddler. Raffia can be placed in the tank to protect the fry. When the female taking
               eggs in her mouth (it can be clearly observed that the lower part of the mouth expands in the

               form of a bag) is seen, the females can be separated and at the end of the incubation (when the
               fry are observed), the fry can be emptied into the water from the mouth of the females by

               gently  squeezing  their  mouths,  and  they  can  be  cared  for  separately  in  a  separate  tank  /

               aquarium until they reach a certain size.

                4.2. Carp

               Carp species, which are the natural species of our country and found in many lakes and rivers

               in Central Anatolia, are very suitable species for geothermal fish farming. Since it is a fish
               that can easily adapt to rapid changes in environmental conditions (temperature, Ph, oxygen,

               etc.), it is very suitable for production in warm waters.

                                         Picture 15 Scale Carp (Cyprinus Carpio)

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