Page 35 - fish_farms_curriculum
P. 35

3.2. Closed Circuit Aquaculture

               It is a farming method mostly used in marine fish hatcheries on land, and it is a method of

               using  the  same  water  in  fish  tanks  by  collecting  the  water  used  from  the  channels  and
               improving it after some filtration stages. Although the daily fresh water requirement varies

               according to the system mechanization, it is between 3-10% of the total water. This method,
               which is also used in the production of freshwater fish in many developed countries, is also

               used in research centers.

                                       Fig. 2. Closed Circuit Aquaculture Diagram

               In closed-circuit aquaculture, which is also the basis of the geothermal production system,

               dissolved ammonia compounds originating from the feces of fish in the tanks and inedible
               feeds  are  first  passed  through  a  solid  waste  filter.  Then,  by  biological  filtration,  dissolved

               ammonia  is  converted  to  nitrite  and  nitrate  by  nitrification.  As  a  result  of  the  removal  of
               nitrate from the water by aeration of the water, the water is made usable in fish tanks again. In

               the geothermal system, at this stage, nitrate water becomes fertilizer for vegetables produced
               by hydroponic application in plant tanks (pans), and after nitrate is taken by vegetables, water

               becomes available for use in fish tanks again.

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