Page 40 - fish_farms_curriculum
P. 40

Trout, a member of the salmon family, are cold water fish and prefer a water temperature of

               10-18˚C.  The  optimum  water  temperature  is  15˚C  for  trout.    For  this  reason,  trout  can  be
               preferred for geothermal systems mostly in the northern regions of our country, in the cold

               climate  zone.  Growth  in  trout  slows  down  considerably  when  the  water  temperature  rises

               above 21 ˚C, and since the oxygen level will drop at this temperature, trout farming will reach
               critical limits. (As the water temperature rises, the amount of dissolved oxygen will decrease).

               Abbots  need  a  more  sensitive  water  quality  compared  to  Tilapia  and  Carp,  therefore  the
               aeration (oxygenation) of the water should be secured with spare pumps.

               4.4. Catfish

               Experiments on the production of catfish, whose commercial production has not yet started in

               our country, continue. However, catfish fry, which are naturally found in the inland waters of
               our country, can be collected from nature after the necessary permissions are obtained.

                                            Picture 17. Catfish (Silurus Glanis)

               The optimum growth temperature for catfish, which, unlike other fish, can survive at lower

               dissolved  oxygen  concentrations  is  25-28˚C.  Reproductive  activation  begins  at  22˚C  and
               occurs in spring. Offspring production is relatively difficult. There is no fry production in our

               country, except for a few commercial enterprises. After obtaining the necessary legal permissions,
               breeding can be done by collecting offspring from nature.

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